• Stay Safe Online

Beware scams asking you to transfer money between bank accounts

4 years ago

Phone scams are tricking victims into transferring money to bank accounts operated by cyber-crooks. We have seen a rise in…

  • Facebook

Does copying message on Facebook reduce sales adverts? Fact Check

4 years ago

A post on Facebook claims you can see less adverts and more posts from friends on your newsfeed by copying…

  • Stay Safe Online

Couple from Somerset, UK targeted with double phishing scam

4 years ago

A couple from Frome in Somerset, UK, lost their savings after being targeted by the Royal Mail text "smishing" scam…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Did TGA report claim Australia had 210 COVID vaccine deaths? Fact Check

4 years ago

An anti-vaccination post spreading primarily in Australia claims that 210 people have died in the country as a result of…

  • WhatsApp

Watch out for WhatsApp “Verification SMS” scams.

4 years ago

Scammers are tricking WhatsApp users into handing over SMS verification codes sent to their phones in a bid to trick…

  • Google

How to stop Google keeping record of your search history

4 years ago

In the murky depths of cyberspace, there is always someone recording your online activity. It's the price we pay for…

  • Stay Safe Online

5 SCAM text messages you need to delete (and report) 2021

4 years ago

There has been no shortage of scam text messages doing the rounds in 2021. Five in particular have been popping…

  • Apple

Why you can’t trust reviews on Apple’s AppStore

4 years ago

Developers are exploiting Apple's app review system to force users into giving their apps high reviews, it has emerged. When…

  • In The News

Eight arrested for fake Royal Mail text messages after police raids in UK

4 years ago

8 people have been arrested in the UK during dawn raids as part of an investigation into a surge of…

  • Fact Check

Photos claim to show Jimmy Savile campaigning for Tory party? Fact Check

4 years ago

Two photos depicting former TV personality Jimmy Savile - now considered to be one of the UKs most prolific sex…