• Fact Check

“Center for Global Human Population Reduction” on Gates Foundation HQ? Fact Check

5 years ago

A photo spreading through social media appears to show the headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation along with…

  • Fact Check

Is COVIDSafe app a “PSYOPS” app designed to track movements? Fact Check

5 years ago

A viral message is spreading online about the Australian COVIDSafe contact tracing app that was launched in the country in…

  • Fact Check

Is Prince Obinna Solomon a Facebook hacker? Fact Check

5 years ago

Online messages warn readers not to accept a Facebook friendship request from a person called Prince Obinna Solomon since he…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Was doctor suspended for complaining about PPE on BBC? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages online claim that an NHS doctor who spoke out on the BBC about the lack of PPE (personal protective…

  • Malware

The ILOVEYOU worm. The love letter that caused global chaos

5 years ago

Exactly 20 years before the coronavirus pandemic escaped China and caused alarm around the world, another pandemic was spreading from…

  • Fact Check

Is the White House selling coronavirus commemorative coins? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages claim the White House or US Government are selling collector coins commemorating the COVID-19 outbreak through their gift shop.…

  • Stay Safe Online

Watch out for convincing Microsoft Teams phishing scams

5 years ago

Scammers are using the increased popularity of the Microsoft Teams software to launch a series of highly convincing email phishing…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Does Tom Moore’s family business Maytrix Group profit from fundraising? Fact Check

5 years ago

Rumours online claim that a portion of the money raised from Colonel Tom Moore's charity walk for the NHS will…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Does Ex Parte Milligan make lockdowns in US unconstitutional? Fact Check

5 years ago

Rumours online claim that the Supreme Court ruling referred to as Ex parte Milligan prevents the US Government or authorities…

  • Privacy

5 Facebook privacy mistakes that users are STILL making

5 years ago

Facebook is a labyrinth of different privacy settings, meaning it can be hard to get your Facebook account locked down…