• Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Did Elisa Granato die from trial COVID-19 coronavirus vaccination? Fact Check

5 years ago

Online rumours claim that one the first volunteers in the UK for COVID-19 vaccine trials - Elisa Granato - has…

  • Fact Check

Image shows body of Kim Jong Un as he lies in state? Fact Check

5 years ago

Amid rumours of the death Kim Jong Un, an image purportedly showing the body of the North Korea leader is…

  • Facebook

Facebook removes three images related to St. George’s Day from platform

5 years ago

Facebook has begun removing three particular images related to St. George's Day from their platform and has placed restrictions on…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

12 examples of FAKE coronavirus medical advice that spread online

5 years ago

There has been no shortage of viral "copy and paste" posts doing the social media rounds purporting to offer medical…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Does “Canine Coronavirus Vaccine” bottle prove vaccine cover up? Fact Check

5 years ago

A message online claims to show a "canine coronavirus vaccine" from 2001, proving that people have had a cure for…

  • Facebook

309 million Facebook users’s details on sale online. What you need to know.

5 years ago

Security researchers have recently found leaked data pertaining to over 300 million Facebook user's on sale through the Dark Web,…

  • Fact Check

Has Facebook been monitoring outside of Facebook for last 8 weeks? Fact Check

5 years ago

A message on social media claims that Facebook has, for the last 8 weeks, been monitoring what users do when…

  • Fact Check

Did man swear at son during live BBC News? Fact Check

5 years ago

A video clip is going viral that purports to show the moment a man being interviewed at home by BBC…

  • In The News

Facebook to let users know if they’ve engaged with fake COVID-19 posts

5 years ago

Facebook is planning to introduce a feature that lets their users know when they’ve interacted with content on the platform…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Does JustGiving charge “admin costs” of Tom Moore’s fundraising donations? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages spreading on social media claim that JustGiving, the fundraising platform which is hosting the Tom Moore "100 laps" campaign…