• Useful Guides

All about Facebook’s “Off-Facebook Activity” privacy tool and its limits

5 years ago

Facebook has introduced a tool that provides their users some degree of insight and control over what information Facebook collects…

  • Phishing

Watch out for Tesco “COVID-19 season” phishing email scams

5 years ago

Scammers are sending out fake emails claiming to be from Tesco offering free vouchers to those that click a link…

  • Stay Safe Online

Why never reusing the same passwords is REALLY important

5 years ago

There are many tips and tricks to keep your online accounts safe. So many that it is often hard to…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Is coronavirus stimulus payment in US an advance on 2020 tax refund? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages spreading online claim that the $1,200 stimulus check (officially titled the "economic impact payment") that most Americans will be…

  • Phishing

Watch our for “Council Tax Reduction” email phishing scams

5 years ago

Emails scams in the UK claim to offer the recipient a council tax reduction. The email appears to come from…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

7 Senegal children killed from COVID-19 vaccinations? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages online claim that "mass vaccination" has begun in Senegal amid the coronavirus pandemic and 7 children who received the…

  • In The News

Clickbait spammers use headlines claiming “newborn babies infected with COVID-19”

5 years ago

Clickbait scammers are faking emotional stories about people becoming infected with COVID-19 to lure social media users into visiting spammy…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

The British £20 note contains images of 5G and coronavirus? Fact Check

5 years ago

Conspiracy themed messages online claim that the British £20 note contains an image of the coronavirus structure as well as…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Was Dr. Charles Lieber arrested for developing coronavirus? Fact Check

5 years ago

Online messages claim that Dr. Charles Lieber, the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University,…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Did doctors in China advise gargling salty water to prevent coronavirus? Fact Check

5 years ago

A message online allegedly from "doctors in China" claims to offer a list of things people can do to protect…