• Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Can you wear medical mask both ways depending if you’re sick? Fact Check

5 years ago

Various online messages purport to show how to correctly wear a medical mask. The messages claim you should wear the…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Lemons, hot water and bicarbonate can cure COVID-19? Fact Check

5 years ago

Messages online claim that drinking hot water with lemons will cure or prevent the COVID-19 disease. FALSE We have seen…

  • Stay Safe Online

4 text messages scams about coronavirus you should avoid

5 years ago

We take a look at four text messages scams that have been spreading during the coronavirus outbreak. Scammers have wasted…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

5 posts about coronavirus you should NOT be sharing

5 years ago

While misinformation spreads rapidly across social media about the coronavirus, we take a look at five of the most popular…

  • Stay Safe Online

Beware of HMRC text message about coronavirus tax rebate. It’s a scam

5 years ago

Scammers are sending out text messages claiming to be from the government or HMRC claiming UK residents can claim tax…

  • Stay Safe Online

Beware fake text messages in UK claiming you’ve “left the house 3 times today”

5 years ago

Those in the UK should be on alert for fake messages claiming they have been fined for leaving the house…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

How to spot fake coronavirus posts on social media

5 years ago

Anyone who follows our website regularly will know that there has been a plethora of coronavirus themed rumours, misinformation and…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Fake free pass for Netflix messages spreading on social media

5 years ago

Social media users should be on the lookout for messages claiming to offer free Netflix passes that – according to…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

“I have no income due to coronavirus” payment relief viral message. Fact Check

5 years ago

A message online claims that those who have experienced loss of income due to the coronavirus outbreak can only claim…

  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Image of coffins shows coronavirus victims who died in Italy on one day? Fact Check

5 years ago

A picture of coffins spreading on social media claims to show the number of people who died in one day…