• Stay Safe Online

Why clicking on Unsubscribe in a spam email is usually a bad idea

5 years ago

We all hate spam email, yet nearly everyone gets it from time to time. Yet despite our shared resentment, we…

  • Internet Hoaxes

Does this image show a tiny baby platypus? Fact Check

5 years ago

An image claims to show a tiny baby platypus held in someone hand. MISCAPTIONED An example is below. why the…

  • Stay Safe Online

What is the “I Hacked Your Device” Sextortion Email Scam?

5 years ago

Imagine getting an email from someone you don't know, demanding money from you. And if you don't hand them over…

  • FAQ

The difference between page followers and likes on Facebook

5 years ago

Page admins may have noticed that they have both a like count and a follow count. On the flip side,…

  • Stay Safe Online

New wave of sextortion scams target work emails

5 years ago

Another wave of sextortion scams hit inboxes recently, only this time the scams were delivered using the Emotet botnet, which…

  • Internet Hoaxes

Are sex traffickers using drug laced $100 bills? Fact Check

5 years ago

A rumour claims that sex traffickers are placing drug laced $100 bills on cars parked at shopping malls to incapacitate…

  • Fact Check

Does video show steel wool burning when next to ringing iPhone? Fact Check

5 years ago

A video claims to show steel wool igniting when placed around an iPhone that takes an incoming phone call. FALSE…

  • Election2020

Was Pete Buttigieg arrested on suspicion of killing 5 dogs? Fact Check

5 years ago

Rumours online claim that Pete Buttigieg, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, was arrested during his…

  • In The News

Microsoft fixes massive 99 security flaws in Patch Tuesday update

5 years ago

Ironically enough, only one day after this year's Safer Internet Day, comes one of Microsoft's biggest ever 'Patch Tuesdays', fixing…

  • Stay Safe Online

6 quick and easy tips for Safer Internet Day

5 years ago

For Safer Internet Day, we've picked out 6 really simple yet effective tips that will do a lot to help…