Craig Haley

  • Stay Safe Online

Beware scams asking you to transfer money between bank accounts

Phone scams are tricking victims into transferring money to bank accounts operated by cyber-crooks. We have seen a rise in…

4 years ago
  • Facebook

Does copying message on Facebook reduce sales adverts? Fact Check

A post on Facebook claims you can see less adverts and more posts from friends on your newsfeed by copying…

4 years ago
  • Stay Safe Online

Couple from Somerset, UK targeted with double phishing scam

A couple from Frome in Somerset, UK, lost their savings after being targeted by the Royal Mail text "smishing" scam…

4 years ago
  • Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Did TGA report claim Australia had 210 COVID vaccine deaths? Fact Check

An anti-vaccination post spreading primarily in Australia claims that 210 people have died in the country as a result of…

4 years ago
  • WhatsApp

Watch out for WhatsApp “Verification SMS” scams.

Scammers are tricking WhatsApp users into handing over SMS verification codes sent to their phones in a bid to trick…

4 years ago
  • Google

How to stop Google keeping record of your search history

In the murky depths of cyberspace, there is always someone recording your online activity. It's the price we pay for…

4 years ago
  • Stay Safe Online

5 SCAM text messages you need to delete (and report) 2021

There has been no shortage of scam text messages doing the rounds in 2021. Five in particular have been popping…

4 years ago
  • Apple

Why you can’t trust reviews on Apple’s AppStore

Developers are exploiting Apple's app review system to force users into giving their apps high reviews, it has emerged. When…

4 years ago
  • In The News

Eight arrested for fake Royal Mail text messages after police raids in UK

8 people have been arrested in the UK during dawn raids as part of an investigation into a surge of…

4 years ago
  • Fact Check

Photos claim to show Jimmy Savile campaigning for Tory party? Fact Check

Two photos depicting former TV personality Jimmy Savile - now considered to be one of the UKs most prolific sex…

4 years ago