It’s that time of the year again – April Fools! This is like our Christmas. It’s that one day of the year where you really should trust absolutely no one! And while we’d like people to be a little more sceptical all year around, today of all days it is imperative!
We take a look at the best online April Fools jokes of 2016, from Google’s latest express delivery service to BMWs solution for toddler’s first steps. From a BBQ ban in Australia to a Wi-Fi boosting toilet brush from IKEA…
Australia, one of the first countries to celebrate April Fools thanks to our time zones, quickly got in on the act after the County Fire Authority in Victoria announced a statewide ban on all BBQs due to a surge in “outdoor cooking injuries”. Since banning BBQs in Australia is akin to banning tea in England or televised sports in the US, the announcement came as quite the shock, especially when the CFA claimed they hope the ban would encourage Victorians to eat more healthy salad sandwiches.
Next, is your toddler learning to walk? Well, if they’re still not getting the hang of it, how about getting them a pair of xDrive Baby Boots from BMW, you know, to “enable perfect weight distribution” for “more secure toddling around corners”. (This video is truly brilliant.)
The latest gadgets have been the order of the day. IKEA had the perfect solution if you have trouble getting a Wi-Fi signal while in the lavatory, with a WI-Fi boosting toilet brush. Or, for the streaming addict, how about the Binge On Up headset from T-Mobile, giving a new meaning to “video on the go”
Samsung were not to be left behind, as they’ve just announced their latest project – smart trousers. With everything connected to the Internet these days, why not your trousers? The latest pair of must have jeans features Wi-Fly which alerts you if your flies have been undone for more than 3 minutes, as well as a Get Up Alert feature that reminds you to get up and do something if you’ve been in the idle position for too long!
Another one from Samsung. And retro is apparently back in with the mobile phone market, if this tweet is to be believed, announcing the GalaxyLTD…
Ever thought a whole bag of fries is just a little too demanding on the waistline? Well, Burger King France may have the answer, with their latest offering. Single fries… each individually wrapped…
Over in England, according to ex-ITV news broadcaster Peter Sissons, Pimms are now the new sponsor of Big Ben…
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Netflix apparently dedicated their streaming service to actor John Stamos, with new updated browsing categories including “Comedies John Stamos thinks are funny” and “Independent films starring actors less rich and famous than John Stamos“.
And if you haven’t heard, the Oxford dictionary is adding a whole lots of news words, including LOYO (laughing on your own) and Leo, as a verb meaning to achieve something after years of trying: “I feel like I’ve Leoed this morning; I finally passed my driving test.”
Ever wanted to watch a YouTube video in 360 degrees with rapper Snoop Dogg? Don’t worry, YouTube are on the case. They’ve just introduced their latest feature, SnoopVision. Now you can watch any video with Snoop…
Habitual pranksters Google were quickly in on the act with several great pranks, including Google Parachutes, the easiest way to get your packages without the need for drones. This parachute technology is going to change the way we think about parachute technology. After all, “parachutes are much like minds. They work best when they’re open.”
However not all Google’s pranks were received with the same good humour. Google also introduced the “MicDrop” feature to GMail, which attached a special SEND button to the “compose email” screen that – if pressed – would attach to the email a small GIF animation of a minion cartoon character dressed as the Queen dropping a microphone. Not only that, but after sending the email, you wouldn’t receive any replies (since the long-running Mic Drop meme means you’re “done” with the conversation.)
The feature added a special send button that attached the GIF and prevent replies.
However Google placed this special SEND button right next to the real SEND button, resulting in many people inadvertently using it with professional emails. Many people reported that it was getting them into trouble at work, and Google eventually withdrew the prank feature claiming it looked like they had “pranked themselves”.
Which was your favourite prank? Let us know.
Also, did you see our little prank?
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