
  • Facebook

Watch out for fake $80 Publix coupon links spreading on Facebook

Facebook users should be aware of a spate of spammy links offering a $80 coupon for the American supermarket chain…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Watch out for Facebook “clearance promotion” spam hitting newsfeeds

Facebook users should be aware of another spate of "clearance promotion" spam hitting newsfeeds that attempt to lure users to…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Does Facebook “shake to report” cause users to go to FB Jail? Fact Check

A message spreading on Facebook claims that users may be inadvertently reporting pages or sending other users to "FB Jail"…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Creator of Big Brother sues Facebook over fake get-rich-quick ads

The creator of Big Brother and The Voice is the latest public figure to take Facebook to court over the…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook STILL allowing trading “get-rich-quick” scam sponsored adverts

Earlier this year, Facebook vowed to tackle the growing problem of scammers exploiting their sponsored ads platform by placing ads…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Here is how to stop Facebook from automatically ‘recognizing’ you

We discuss Facebook's ever expanding facial recognition feature and how to stop it recognizing you in photos on the social…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Here is why many Facebook groups are changing privacy to “Secret”

If you're a member of many groups on Facebook, you may have noticed something odd in the last 24 hours.…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

You won’t win a scratched MacBook Pro from Currys for sharing a Facebook post

A fake Facebook page claiming to be Currys has posted a message apparently offering 7 Apple MacBook Pros that will…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

5 Common Security Mistakes that Users make with their Facebook Account

We take a look at 5 common mistakes Facebook users make that can result in their Facebook accounts being compromised…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook ban “dangerous” figures including Louis Farrakhan

Facebook has announced Thursday that it is banning a number of high profile accounts including Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopolous…

6 years ago