
  • Facebook

The photo hijacked by fake Facebook competition spammers

The photo below is of a man named Fred Felleman in 2015 while working with Friends of the Earth. He…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook post offers $1,000 from $3.4m lotto win for sharing – Fact Check

Facebook users are falling for a post that purports to be from a recent $3.4 million lottery winner who claims…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook cloning scams – everything you need to know

If you've ever received a friend request from someone you are already friends with on Facebook, it is possible that…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Don’t share the “I got another friend request from you yesterday” warning on Facebook

A Facebook message claiming someone received “another friend request from you yesterday” is spreading across the social networking website. The…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Chain Facebook message describing “female blackout” is over a year old

A viral Facebook message urges women to set their profile picture as a black square "tomorrow" between 8am and 9pm…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook posts claim Ellen DeGeneres is giving away money or prizes. Fact Check

Facebook posts claim that TV host Ellen DeGeneres is giving away large amounts of money or high value prizes to…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

50 million Facebook accounts hit by security breach; what we know so far

A security flaw revealed on Facebook this week left around 50 million of their users vulnerable to a cyber-attack, the…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Is Facebook banning military emblems? Fact Check

Messages claims that Facebook is actively banning military emblems from appearing on their website. Many such messages urge users to…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Does the Facebook fundraiser feature take recurring monthly payments? Fact Check

A message is being copied across Facebook that warns readers about Facebook's Fundraiser feature, which, according to the message, can…

6 years ago
  • Facebook

Fake Facebook message warns not to accept Sherman Stuurman

A warning is spreading online that warns readers not to accept a Facebook user named Sherman Stuurman because he is…

6 years ago