A series of events that have appeared on Facebook named 'Summer Safari WaterPark 2016' bear a striking resemblance to a…
Yes, The ThatsNonsense.com Facebook page was targeted with a phishing scam this week. The audacity! Don't worry - it wasn't…
Have you ever seen an image on Facebook of something seemingly innocent or harmless, but where the caption implored you…
We like to remind our readers now and again about how important it is to watch what you say on…
More Facebook event spam is circulating on the social media website that purports to promote events called 'Branded Warehouse Clothing…
This week a man discovered he could have accessed practically any Facebook account that he wished, just by exploiting one…
Social media users should be wary of a number of fake Facebook events that have been appearing on the website…
Links are spreading on Facebook claiming users can win a Royal Caribbean Cruise if they like and share a Facebook…
A rogue Facebook app is baiting users of the social networking website into giving away their Facebook login details AND…
A large number of Facebook events have popped up on the social networking site advertising a 'Total Wipeout Tour' across…