Facebook posts that claim Facebook (or another entity) will donate money towards a sick or injured child each time a…
On a site like Facebook we are all given our own little corner on the web, adorned with our photos,…
This article deals with the various rumours, videos, applications, Facebook pages/events and websites that claim they provide a way of…
Facebook spam is already a significant problem as it is, so users of the social networking site probably won’t be…
Facebook amendments of yonder have rarely been received well. Facebook users just don’t react well to change, and since its…
How many real friends do you have? We mean real, genuine, bona-fide friends. Someone who you know you can call…
Signs have shown themselves over the last few days suggesting that something was up, specifically messages such as – ATTENTION:…
It seems that Facebook “update” rumours circulate now with the sole intention of insulting a Facebook user’s intelligence. Over the…
For those of you that have not experienced the takethislollipop.com viral campaign, you may want to try it if you…
It’s the run up to Christmas and at the time of writing it’s only about 10 weeks until the big…