The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK as well as a large number of other organisations across the globe…
You may have noticed a change to our commenting system. To be brief, we've had to remove the Disqus commenting…
When looking for Internet nonsense, we’re always guaranteed a goldmine when we head over to the fanatic, fact-ignorant corner of…
The murder of an elderly man was broadcast live on Facebook and the video stayed active for well over two…
A family from Missouri has had to deal with an increasingly common phenomenon this month. Having photos of their children…
Short term loan company Wonga has suffered a substantial customer data breach resulting in the theft of information belonging to…
When we think of the term “deadly weapon”, we may think of a gun, a knife, a vehicle, lead piping…
It's that time again, as another Windows operating system approaches the end of its support lifecycle. If you're running a…
A woman from Sweden seems to have been having a great time this week on social media, at the expense…
Various unfounded rumours have swept the Internet claiming to purport to identify the Westminster attacker who killed a number of…