In The News

  • In The News

Why are UK tabloid papers obsessing about a photo of 3 seals?

So this week on social media, a photo clearly depicting 3 seals frolicking in the water is being shared widely…

8 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook and Twitter join effort to tackle surge in fake news

Facebook and Twitter have joined forces with 30 other tech and media companies to help create a platform that will…

9 years ago
  • Facebook

9/11 conspiracy theory enters Facebook’s Trending Topics section

It has only been a few weeks since Facebook removed their editorial team that looked after Facebook's "Trending Topics" section.…

9 years ago
  • Facebook

Facebook to be sued over a nude teen photo

A 14 year old Northern Ireland girl is to go to trial with Facebook over the social media’s inability to…

9 years ago
  • In The News

Playboy model could face jail time for social media post

Now we know our own readers – as social media savvy as you all are – will not need to…

9 years ago
  • In The News

Owen Smith shows us how NOT to do Internet security

How many basic IT security errors can you make in quick succession? It seems that Labour leader contender Owen Smith's…

9 years ago
  • Malware

California bill would stiffen sentences for ransomware criminals

Ransomware is a massive pain. It's actually much more than that. It is single-handedly the absolute worst type of malware…

9 years ago
  • In The News

PlayStation Network FINALLY enables two-step authentication

Good news for PlayStation video gamers, as Sony finally rolls out extra security for it users this week with the…

9 years ago
  • Google

Google to punish websites that use pop-up adverts

Good news for those that don't like intrusive web adverts. Google will start penalising websites that display pop-up adverts or…

9 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Despite #RIPMileyCyrus trending, the pop singer is still alive

A trending hashtag on Twitter - #RIPMileyCyrus – has led many to mistakenly believe the US pop singer has passed…

9 years ago