Internet Hoaxes

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  • Internet Hoaxes

Are Facebook trying to remove a UFO pic taken in Australia?

The image above is spreading across social media along with the assertion that Facebook are trying to remove the photo.…

10 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Will Mars be really close to Earth so as to appear as two moons? Fact Check

Rumours online claim that Mars will be so close to Earth on a particular day that it will not happen…

10 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Has an angel really fallen from the sky in London?

Rumours and messages are spreading across the Internet claiming to show a fallen angel (above) that apparently fell from the…

10 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Sherman Hemsley, a.k.a. George Jefferson actually died in 2012

Actor Sherman Hemsley, most noted for playing George Jefferson in popular TV show The Jeffersons, appears to have passed away…

10 years ago
  • In The News
  • Internet Hoaxes

Does image show Obama meeting Iranian president Hassan Rouhani? Fact Check

An image claims to show President Obama shaking hands with Iranian president Hassan Rouhani. FALSE The image is fake, and…

10 years ago
  • In The News
  • Internet Hoaxes

Did the ultimate video bomb occur during a SKY news report?

SKY correspondent Ashish Joshi was giving a relatively standard news report in front of Westminster about David Cameron's NHS reform…

10 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Out-of-date Telegraph article reignites McCann scandal rumours

A 2010 article from the website of UK paper The Telegraph reporting on the allegation that the McCann parents were…

10 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Images showing rhinos and elephants with pink horns & tusks

Circulating images claim to show an elephant and a rhino that have had a pink dye applied to their tusks/horns…

10 years ago
  • Facebook
  • Internet Hoaxes

Top 5 most ridiculous “warnings” on Facebook (2014/2015 edition)

Facebook can be a great place to spread legitimate warnings. But it can also be just as good as spreading…

10 years ago
  • In The News
  • Internet Hoaxes
  • Twitter

Did a fake Bloomberg report cause Twitter stock to spike?

A fake article published on a spoof Bloomberg website claiming that Twitter have been offered a buy-out sum amounting to…

10 years ago