Internet Hoaxes

Jay-Z celebrity death hoax started from satireJay-Z celebrity death hoax started from satire
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Jay-Z celebrity death hoax started from satire

Another celebrity death hoax is doing the rounds, this time it is popular rapper Jay-Z the target of the rumours.…

11 years ago
Obama Closed Amber Alert Program RumourObama Closed Amber Alert Program Rumour
  • Internet Hoaxes

Obama Closed Amber Alert Program Rumour

Has President Obama closed the Amber Alert program during the government shutdown? No. Rumours are circulating that amidst the current…

11 years ago
  • Internet Hoaxes

Snow in October? Check the Publication Dates!!

British Facebook users may have been unnecessarily preparing for a snowy October as an old news article circulates virally across…

12 years ago
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Pub Closes Due to Malicious Internet Rumours

Popular pub The Globe was forced to close after malicious e-rumours spread across Facebook accusing the pub of banning military…

12 years ago
Nelson Mandela’s Condition Exploited by ScammersNelson Mandela’s Condition Exploited by Scammers
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Nelson Mandela’s Condition Exploited by Scammers

Internet users are advised to be wary of scams exploiting Nelson Mandelas critical condition, as fake RIP pages containing malicious…

12 years ago
Celebrity Death Hoaxes get a New TwistCelebrity Death Hoaxes get a New Twist
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Celebrity Death Hoaxes get a New Twist

The popular celebrity death hoax that so often circulates the Internet has taken a strange twist. Avid social media users…

12 years ago
Toledo Man Faces Trial by FacebookToledo Man Faces Trial by Facebook
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Toledo Man Faces Trial by Facebook

A man from Toledo, Ohio, has - according to a local newspaper - been the victim of a vicious online…

12 years ago
Bill Gates Shares $5000 per Share? – Time to Stop Being GullibleBill Gates Shares $5000 per Share? – Time to Stop Being Gullible
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Bill Gates Shares $5000 per Share? – Time to Stop Being Gullible

The latest variant in one of the longest running hoaxes to hit the Internet has managed to acquire a degree…

12 years ago
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Sandy Hook Hoaxes and Rumours go Viral

The horrific incidents in Sandy Hook have caused a slew of online hoaxes to circulate social networking sites like Facebook…

12 years ago
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Better check your facts before posting rumours online, possibe libel suits in the UK

Over the course of the year we have reported on the negative and potentially dangerous consequences of Internet hate campaigns…

12 years ago