A tweet apparently sent by Chelsea Clinton appears to berate President Trump for a “paltry” donation of one million dollars to the victims of Hurricane Harvey, claiming her dining room table “cost more than that”.
The tweet can be seen below –
King of White Privilege Trump gives a paltry one million dollars to Harvey victims. Big deal my dinning room table cost more than that.
While many angry social media users angrily pointed out the hypocrisy of accusing Trump of being the ‘king of white privilege’ while simultaneously boasting that your dining room table costs more than a million dollars in the same tweet, what many appear to have missed is that the tweet is of course entirely fake.
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The tweet was created by the service Tweeterino, a service that allows you to create fake tweets from popular celebrities, one of the top most targeted celebrities being Chelsea Clinton. The fake tweet above was trending in their “Trending” section for some time.
A search of Chelsea Clinton’s archived tweets (including deleted tweets) reveals no message like the one above. Remember – if you see a screenshot of a tweet, it doesn’t mean it’s real. There are loads of services out there specifically designed to create fake tweets.