Internet Hoaxes

Did car in high floodwater feature offensive Greta sticker? Fact Check

An image of a car stuck in high floodwaters featuring a rear window sticker or decal reading “Fuck You Greta” is circulating on social media.


The image is often attributed with captions expressing irony, since the sub-context here is that the owner of the car is a climate change sceptic whose car has been waylaid by the consequences of climate change.

(Experts generally agree that the frequency of flooding will increase as climate change worsens. The decal is assumedly in reference to Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate change activist.)

An example of the image on social media is below.

The image, however, is fake. The decal has been digitally added to the image.

The original image seems to have been pulled from the German Bild website, which recently published an article about the severe flooding to have hit many locations in the country.

The article features several photos from several photographers showing the damage of the floods. One such photo is the image in question, taken by David Young. However the image does not have the Greta sticker on the car window. This was digitally added at a later date. See the original image below.

As such we rank this photo as false.

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Published by
Craig Haley