Coronavirus Hoaxes and Rumours

Fake free pass for Netflix messages spreading on social media

Social media users should be on the lookout for messages claiming to offer free Netflix passes that – according to the messages – are being offered because of the coronavirus lockdown.

The messages claim that Netflix is offering free passes to those that click a link and register on a website. However, the links lead to websites that do not belong to the streaming service, and could be used for malicious purposes.

An example of a message can be seen below.

Due to the CoronaVirus pandemic worldwide, Netflix is giving some free pass for their platform during the period of isolation. Run on the site cause it will end quick.

In this case, the link attached to the message lead to a website netfix-usa [dot] com. This website – registered only a week ago from the time of writing – asks visitors to complete a number of questions before urging visitors to share the link from their social media profiles, thus spreading the scam onto the friends of the visitor.

The site then redirects to another website that requests users download suspicious files to their computer.

It is also possible that the website owner can request (and steal) a user’s Netflix login details in what would be a phishing scam.

Don’t trust these messages, and always remember to look on the webpage’s URL to make sure you are on the actual Netflix website before you consider entering any details.

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Published by
Craig Haley