
Hashtag EnemiesOfThePeople gets piggybacked… hilarious results

A trending hashtag on Twitter originally meant to describe the 3 High Court judges that ruled that the UK government would need to consult with UK Parliament before initiating the process of leaving the EU has been hilariously piggybacked by Twitter users.

The hashtag #EnemiesOfThePeople derived from a headline that was used by newspaper The Daily Mail to describe the 3 High Court judges who recently oversaw a decision forcing government to consult with Parliament before triggering “Article 50”.

However, #EnemiesOfThePeople was soon overridden by many Twitter users, who used the trending hashtag as a chance to broadcast who they really believed to be the true enemy of the people. And the results are actually rather funny.

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Even bookstore Waterstones got in on it…

Here are some of our favourites…

(That one is especially true… unforgiveable.)

(Yes, Waterstones!)

How many do you agree with?

Published by
Craig Haley