Internet warning describes REAL threat of pink teddy bear “sweet”

Warnings that claim to show ecstasy tablets shaped like pink teddy bears and assert four 13 year old girls were admitted to hospital after taking them are based in truth.

Messages like the one below are spreading across social media attached to several photographs that according to the message depict ecstasy tablets shaped like sweets, including pink teddy bears –

Please show your children and warn them not to take sweets off there friends looking like this as they are ecstasy tablets !
There’s also other ones shaped in other shapes that look like sweets.
Four 13 year old girls are seriously ill in manchester hospital.

The messages are based on a real incident that occurred in Wythenshawe, in Manchester during March 2017 when four 13 year old girls were hospitalised after consuming suspicious pills that according to media reports were shaped like teddy bears.

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The warning above however is out-dated in the respect that the girls have now all been discharged and have since recovered.

The warning claims the teddy bear pills contained the potentially dangerous drug concoction known as ecstasy, though a statement from Dep Insp Gareth Davies states that they are unable to determine conclusively what was in the pills but warn anyone who comes in contact with them to contact the police –

We don’t know exactly what these particular tablets contain and I would urge you not to take them. If you are offered drugs, particularly ones which are a pink and purple colour and have teddy markings on them, then please contact police.

Illegal drugs, including ecstasy or various concoctions of MDMA, ketamine and other stimulants are often created and distributed in the form of pills that can take on varying shapes and colours to make them more appealing. It is true that many variants of these drugs can resemble children’s sweets.

As such, it is certainly wise for parents to educate their children to never accept suspicious pills or “sweets” from anyone, and the photos attached to this warning provide an accurate depiction of what these pills may look like.

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