Is pop star Katy Perry really JonBenét Ramsey?
A bizarre conspiracy video from a YouTuber known as Dave Johnson has gone viral claiming that pop singer Katy Perry is actually murdered child beauty pageant star JonBenét Ramsey.
TL:DR: An incoherent conspiracy theorist claims Katy Perry is JonBenét Ramsey and literally offers no evidence whatsoever to back up that claim.
Originally posted back in December 2014, the YouTube video from a relatively unknown conspiracy theorist Dave Johnson has gone viral, attracting over a million views, despite most of Johnson’s videos usually only attracting a few hundred views at most. Why it has attracted so much attention now is unknown.
The tragic murder of JonBenét Ramsey, who was killed in 1996 when she was only 6, was a case that received plenty of national attention, especially since the murder was (and remains) unsolved.
However, according to Dave Johnson, JonBenét Ramsey is alive and well, living as pop star Katy Perry. His YouTube video makes the following assertions…
– JonBenét Ramsey was not killed. No one was killed or was hurt in relation to this incident.
– JonBenét Ramsey’s death was staged so she could become a pop star.
– Jon Benet Ramsey became Katy Perry.
– Anyone who continues to purport that JonBenét Ramsey was murdered is a “false witness to murder and death.”
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Given the extraordinary claim made in the video, you may think that Dave Johnson would have some compelling evidence to back up such claims.
You’d be wrong. In fact the entire argument seems to hinge on Johnson’s perception that JonBenét Ramsey looks like Katy Perry, and JonBenét’s parents look like Katy Perry’s parents. And that’s about it, it would seem.
Johnson provides lots of side-by-side comparisons (below) which, to any rational mind, don’t appear particularly compelling at all, largely down to the fact that Katy Perry doesn’t really look like JonBenét Ramsey. Johnson continues to repeat the line “and that’s a fact”. He offers no evidence of any of this being factual, so presumably we’re meant to take him at his word.
Perry, left. Ramsey, right. Clearly not the same person.
Despite the lack of any real evidence presented in support of Johnson’s claims, nor even an explanation as to why JonBenet Ramsey had to fake her death to become a popstar, there is plenty of evidence proving that the video is just a baseless assertion.
– Katy Perry was born in 1984, making her 6 years older than JonBenét Ramsey. This means that when Ramsey was murdered, Katy Perry was already 12 years old. For the sake of argument (and playing Devils Advocate) we could assume that Katy Perry is lying about her date of birth and was actually born on 1990. However this would mean that when Katy Perry created her first album in 2000 with Red Hill Records, she would have been a 10 year old child masquerading as a 16 year old teenager. Something we imagine would have raised a few eyebrows.
– There are numerous photos of Katy Perry as a child, and in none of them does she have a strong resemblance to JonBenet Ramsey.
– There are plenty of photos of both Katy Perry’s father and the father of JonBenét Ramsey, John Bennet, and it is clear that they are different people.
It’s pretty difficult to determine if Dave Johnson (who gets himself rather worked up in his videos, usually resulting in a comical effect) is really just playing a prank on the hundreds of thousands tuning in to his YouTube video, since it’s hard to imagine someone being this separated from reality yet still capable of operating a YouTube account. However the number of other conspiracy-driven YouTube videos posted from his account, many of which are simply unintelligible, would suggest otherwise.
No, Katy Perry is not JonBenét Ramsey.
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