Owners of aging Kindles are being implored by Amazon to update their software in the next few days or risk being disconnected from their online services.
In what is being described as a critical software update, several Kindle devices are affected, dating back to their first generation model that was released in 2007.
Amazon are trying to contact their users in every possible way to warn them of the impending disconnect, even sending warnings through snail mail to get those users to listen up!
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Kindle users who don’t update their software will simply be unable to connect to the Kindle online services at all, receiving just an ambiguous error message. In fact, the disconnect will even prevent them from updating their software to be able to reconnect!
This would mean that the only way to regain access would be to download the update to a computer and transfer it via USB to the Kindle and then install it, which is a pretty bothersome procedure. Updating via the Internet using the update process will be much quicker and easier.
Affected devices and the software version needed to be installed for each device can be seen via the below table.
So make sure you get the latest version quickly – the deadline for installation is March 22nd.