Internet Hoaxes

Prayer request for “Darkhorse” battalion is out-dated and inaccurate

A prayer request for the “Darkhorse” 3rd Battalion 5th Marines is spreading across social media. The request claims the unit is fighting in Afghanistan and has already lost 9 Marines.

While the request does reference a real infantry battalion, this prayer request first started to circulate in 2010 and as such is completely out-dated and contains [now] inaccurate information.

We are asking everyone to say a prayer for “Darkhorse” 3rd
Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out in
Afghanistan and they have lost 9 marines in 4 days. IT WOULD BE NICE TO SEE IT ON EVERYONE’S PAGE…Even if its only for an hour. I am HONORED to re-post this! Thank you to ALL of “OUR” Service men and women. Happy to do this. Send strength and good thoughts Send strength and good thoughts to the soldier’s and marines who lost their lives, their families and the one ‘s still fighting.
Praying for our guys.please copy an paste to your status, touch here copy an go to your wall touch status an paste thank you.

The “Darkhorse” battalion were indeed deployed to Afghanistan, between September 2010 and April 2011. The prayer request originated from a blog post that was penned only two months after their deployment. At the time the blog post was penned, it began to circulate on social media, but of course as the Darkhorse deployment continued, the statistics the prayer request gave soon became out-dated.

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So while the message (written during November 2010) claims 9 soldiers had been killed, by the end of the deployment the following April that number actually stood at 25, with hundreds of others injured. Additionally the message [now falsely] claims the infantry battalion are currently fighting in Afghanistan, which is of course now inaccurate since the deployment ended in 2011.

Given that the message is out-dated and doesn’t recognise the true facts or statistics concerning the deployment of this particular infantry battalion, we don’t recommend circulating it.

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Published by
Craig Haley