It’s time to say goodbye to Disqus comments
You may have noticed a change to our commenting system.
To be brief, we’ve had to remove the Disqus commenting platform from our site after several attempts by them to make us promote Internet scams.
As a site that educates people about such scams, it is clear as to why our position became untenable.
Two months from this date of this article, without warning, we noticed that Disqus had enabled adverts that were appearing next to the comments section. These adverts led to both nutritional scams and get-rich-quick schemes. After uninstalling the Disqus platform, Disqus reversed the decision and removed the scam adverts. So we installed Disqus again.
However, this week, Disqus – again without warning – re-enabled scam adverts. To our dismay, there was no way to block these scam adverts from appearing. As such, we’ve had to remove the platform all together.
We always try to ensure that the ads on this site are safe. While some adverts do “slip” through the cracks, we do try and block them when we discover them.
However, with Disqus adverts, that was sadly not possible. Most of the stand-alone adverts they displayed on our site (some are pictured below) were directing our readers to Internet scams.
It is both disappointing and discouraging when software companies seem to show such disregard to the quality of their adverts, and this is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why there has been such a rise in the use of third party ad blocking software.