
Watch out for latest “see who visits your Facebook profile” spam

Posts on Facebook claim to be able to allow you to see who is visiting your Facebook profile, but it’s a phishing scam aimed at tricking you into giving your password away to scammers.

Another scam campaign is underway tricking Facebook users into entering their username and password onto spoof websites using the lure of seeing who visits your Facebook profile as bait.

The links look like the one below.

However, upon clicking the link, users are asked to enter their username and password, as per the screenshot below.

However the website seewhoswatching.com is a spoof website that transmits any data entered into it to the crooks. Using that information, crooks can access the Facebook account (providing the account owner hasn’t enabled two factor authentication) and post the same spammy links from that account as well.

You can’t see who visits your Facebook profile. This isn’t a feature Facebook has offered or likely ever will, yet it continues to prove a successful method of tricking Facebook users into compromising their account security.

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If you have clicked the link and entered your login information, remember to change your password straight away and to clear your active Facebook sessions. (Settings and Privacy, Settings, Security and Login, Where You’re Logged In, Log Out Of All Sessions)

Don’t click on links offering the ability to see who checks out your profile, and remember to enable two factor authentication so if cyber crooks do ever get their hands on your password, they still won’t be able to access your account. More information on how to do that is available here.

Thanks for reading! But before you go… as part of our latest series of articles on how to earn a little extra cash using the Internet (without getting scammed) we have been looking into how you can earn gift vouchers (like Amazon vouchers) using reward-per-action websites such as SwagBucks. If you are interested we even have our own sign-up code to get you started. Want to learn more? We discuss it here. (Or you can just sign-up here and use code Nonsense70SB when registering.)

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Published by
Craig Haley